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Automatically Shamrock Driving School Theory Test


You need to pass the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) Driving Theory Test before you can book your Practical Driving Test. 

The local DVSA Theory Test Centres in the Automatically Shamrock Driving School area are in Swindon, Frome, Bristol and Salisbury. You can book or amend your Theory Test by phoning the DVSA on 0300 2001122 (Monday to Friday - 8am to Midday) or online at or

Candidates must take their Plastic Photocard Driving Licence (if you don't have a photo card licence you need to take your paper licence and a valid passport) with them on the day of the Theory Test or they won't be allowed to take the test. 


The DVSA Driving Theory Test comprises 50 multiple choice questions, us
ing a touch screen computer, and the pass mark is 43 out of 50. The time allowed is 57 minutes. You can review the questions and amend your answers prior to ending this part of the test. Make sure you read the questions and answers properly! 

The multiple choice element of the Driving Theory Test comprises 50 multiple choice questions including a case study with 5 multiple choice questions about it. From 28th September 2020, the case study will change to one short, silent video clip (e.g. driving through a town centre) with 3 multiple choice questions about it. The left of the screen shows the video clip with controls to play, pause, move to a specific part of the video or watch on full screen. You can watch the video clip as many times as you like. The right of the screen shows the question and 4 possible answers. Click here to practice using 2 free sample video clips.

There is nothing to worry about provided you undertake enough study using the recommended driving theory test training materials and especially the current DVSA Driving Theory Test revision question bank. 

People with reading difficulties can wear headphones to hear the questions and available answers plus they may be able to request additional time and a "reader" to read the questions and multiple choice answers to them. 


The HPT follows the Multiple Choice element and consists of fourteen Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) clips, each lasting about a minute .

There are a total of fifteen developing hazards (i.e. one clip contains two hazards) which you need to react to as soon as they start to appear in order to score points. A developing hazard is one which causes you to change speed or direction (e.g. people walking into the road or a vehicle / bike pulling out in front of you, walkers / jogger / horse in the road, etc). It is essential to be aware of everything happening on the screen in the near / mid / far distance and anticipate hazards developing; as you would when driving a real car. You score from five to zero points depending on how quickly you click the mouse button once a hazard begins to develop. The pass mark is 44 out of 75. 

Shamrock Driving School recommend that you click as soon as you see the hazard start to develop and once or twice again soon after in case you click too early, when you would score nothing. Don't click too often or rhythmically otherwise the software decides that you are trying to cheat and you will score zero for that clip.


On average it takes about 21hrs private study to pass the DVSA Driving Theory Test. Whilst many pupils study for the DVSA Driving Theory Test in their own time Shamrock Driving School is always available to provide help and guidance, including multiple choice and hazard perception training using a laptop PC. 

It is essential to read all 950+ questions in the DVSA Driving Theory Test revision question bank and practice for the Hazard Perception Test using interactive video clips.


Watch an official DVSA video about how the driving theory test works and you can take two free mock Driving Theory Tests online by clicking here.














PHONE 01225 700287 or 07456897087 or E-MAIL using the button below NOW for full details of how Automatically Shamrock Driving School can help you to succeed! 

01225 700287 or 07456897087

©2019 by Automatically Shamrock Driving School, 3 Marigold Close, Melksham, Wiltshire, SN12 6FT. Proudly created with

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