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One will be asked at the start of your test, before you start driving.


1.   Tell me how you’d check that the brakes are working before starting a journey? Brakes should not feel spongy or slack. Brakes should be tested as you set off. Vehicle should not pull to one side when brake pedal applied.


2.    Tell me where you’d find the information for the recommended tyre pressures for this car and how tyre pressures should be checked?  Manufacturer’s guide, use a reliable pressure gauge, check and adjust pressures when tyres are cold, don’t forget spare tyre, remember to refit valve caps.


3.    Tell me how you make sure your head restraint is correctly adjusted so it provides the best protection in the event of a crash?  The head restraint should be adjusted so the rigid part of the head restraint is at least as high as the eye or top of the ears and as close to the back of the head as is comfortable (NB Some restraints might not be adjustable).


4.    Tell me how you’d check the tyres to ensure that they have sufficient tread depth and that their general condition is safe to use on the road? Minimum 1.6mm of tread depth across the central three-quarters of the breadth of the tyre around the entire outer circumference. No deep cuts, bulges or foreign objects (e.g. nails) in the tyre.


5.    Tell me how you’d check that the headlights and tail lights are working. You don’t need to exit the vehicle? Explain you’d turn on the ignition (not the engine), then turn the headlight switch on the end of the left hand steering column stalk (see photograph below) anticlockwise as far as it will turn to switch on the dipped headlights and then walk round vehicle (as this is a ‘tell me’ question, you don’t need to physically check the lights). Remember to turn off the lights afterwards.


6.    Tell me how you’d know if there was a problem with your anti-lock braking system?  The orange ABS warning light on the instrument panel should illuminate if there is a fault. It is, however, normal for the ABS warning light to illuminate for a few seconds after you switch the engine on.


7.    Tell me how you’d check the direction indicators are working. You don’t need to exit the vehicle? Explain you’d operate the switch (turn on ignition if necessary) or press the hazard lights button, the larger button with the red triangle symbol in the centre of the dashboard above the radio and in-between the central air vents (see photograph below), and then walk round vehicle (as this is a ‘tell me’ question, you don’t need to physically check the lights).


8.    Tell me how you’d check the brake lights are working on this car? Explain you’d turn on the ignition (not the engine), press the brake pedal and use reflections in windows, doors, etc or ask someone to stand behind the vehicle.


9.    Tell me how you’d check the power-assisted steering is working before starting a journey? If the steering becomes heavy, the system may not be working properly. Before starting a journey, 2 simple checks can be made. Gentle pressure on the steering wheel, maintained while the engine is started, should result in a slight but noticeable movement as the system begins to operate. Alternatively turning the steering wheel just after moving off will give an immediate indication that the power assistance is functioning.


 10.      Tell me how you’d switch on the rear fog light(s) and explain when you’d use it/them. You don’t need to exit the vehicle? Turn on the ignition and then turn the headlight switch on the end of the left hand steering column stalk (see photograph below) anticlockwise as far as it will turn to switch on the dipped headlights. Then turn the fog light switch immediately to the right of the headlight switch on the end of the left hand steering column stalk (see photograph below) two notches anticlockwise. Check the rear fog light warning light on the instrument panel is illuminated. Explain you only switch fog lights on when visibility is seriously reduced, normally less than 100m. It is necessary to switch fog lights off once visibility improves to ensure you don’t dazzle following drivers or mask other rear lights.


11. Tell me how you switch your headlight from dipped to main beam and explain how you’d know the main beam is on? Turn on the ignition (not the engine) and then turn the headlight switch on the end of the left hand steering column stalk (see photograph below) anticlockwise as far as it will turn to switch on the dipped headlights. To turn on the main beam push the left hand steering column stalk away from you (i.e. forwards) as far as it will go. Check main beam is on using the bright blue main beam warning light on the instrument panel. To switch off the main beam, pull the left hand steering column stalk towards you (i.e. backwards) and into the central position (not as far back as it will go which will flash the main beam headlights).


12. Open the bonnet and tell me how you’d check that the engine has sufficient oil? Open and support the bonnet. Check and, if necessary, top up when engine cold. Identify dipstick (see photograph below) and explain you'd pull out the dipstick, wipe dipstick with cloth & replace, pull out dipstick again and check oil level against the minimum/maximum marker. Explain you'd remove the oil filler cap (see photograph below) to top up if necessary. DON'T ACTUALLY REMOVE THE DIP STICK OR OIL FILLER CAP!


13. Open the bonnet and tell me how you’d check that the engine has sufficient engine coolant? Open and support the bonnet. Identify coolant reservoir tank (see photograph below). Check coolant level is between the maximum / minimum markings on the coolant reservoir tank. Don’t check the level or remove the coolant reservoir tank cap to top up when engine hot.


14. Open the bonnet and tell me how you’d check that you have a safe level of hydraulic brake fluid? Open and support the bonnet. Identify hydraulic brake fluid reservoir (see photograph below) and check level against maximum / minimum markings. Hydraulic brake fluid needs replacing regularly in accordance with vehicle manufacturer's recommendations.



One will be asked when the car is moving at some point during the test. The emphasis is on choosing a safe place to do so. For example not on a bend, approaching a hazard (e.g. parked cars, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, junctions, etc.) or where doing so could affect your control of the car. Also don't stare, maybe a very quick glance if absolutely necessary but no so as to affect your control of the car. If you cannot locate a control for the show me question, you can or maybe be asked to pull up at a safe and convenient place to locate it and then demonstrate its operation on the move.


1. When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you wash and clean the rear windscreen? Push the right hand steering column stalk (see photograph below) away from you (i.e. forwards) as far as it will go for a couple of seconds then release. The wipers will make several automatic wipes of the windscreen before stopping.


2. When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you wash and clean the front windscreen? Pull the right hand steering column stalk (see photograph below) towards you (i.e. backwards) for a couple of seconds and then release. The wipers will make several automatic wipes of the windscreen before stopping.


3. When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you’d switch on your dipped headlights? Turn the headlight switch on the end of the left hand steering column stalk (see photograph below) anticlockwise as far as it will turn to switch on the dipped headlights and check the green indicator light on the instrument panel comes on (NB this also comes on with the side lights). Turn the headlight switch clockwise either two notches (Auto) or 3 notches (Off, which is as far as it will go) to turn the lights off (NB Front Daytime Running Lights will remain on).


4. When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you’d set the rear demister? Press the rear windscreen demister switch (top right hand button on the heater controls ring marked "REAR" NB To help you remember "Rear is Near" - see photograph below) so the indicator light on the button illuminates. Press it again to switch it off.


5. When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you’d operate the horn? Press the central steering wheel boss (see photograph below) but not when it could adversely affect another road user (e.g. vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians, horse riders, etc.) near you.


6. When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you’d demist the front windscreen? Press the front windscreen demister switch (top left hand button on the heater controls ring marked "FRONT" NB To help you remember "Front is Far" - see photograph below) so the indicator light on the button illuminates. If rapid defrosting necessary you can increase the fan speed and temperature using the appropriate switches. Press it again to switch it off. On cars without automatic climate control you need to turn fan speed control to maximum, heat setting to hot, direction setting to windscreen and, if fitted and it doesn't switch on automatically, switch the air conditioning on. Afterwards remember to reset heater and any air conditioning controls to a comfortable setting.  


7. When it’s safe to do so, can you show me how you’d open and close the side window? To open the driver's side window press down the right hand window switch towards the front of the door armrest (see photograph below). Pull it up to close the window. Pressing the switch down fully will operate the one touch opening where it will open fully automatically without having to keep holding the switch. The passenger side window switch is the left hand window switch.











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For full details of how we can help you to succeed PHONE 01225 700287 or 07456897087 or E-MAIL by clicking on the button below and get in touch with Automatically Shamrock Driving School!

01225 700287 or 07456897087

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